Dominican Republic Mission Trip 2014
Once again, through the prayer and support of Christ Church and our family and friends, Christ Church sent a mission team to Bani and serve the community of La Iglesia Episcopal de la Transfiguracion. Our trip was June 22 - July 1, 2014. We planned a Bible school and various other projects. The team members from Christ Church are Tom Ellington, Kevin Lonabaugh, Ann Taylor, Mary Margaret Applin, Deb Shows, Katy Schain, Rebecca Gibson, Webster Gibson. Youth team members are Allison Schain, Kathryn Schain, Rosa Gibson, Evelyn Gibson, George Gibson. We appreciated your help through prayer, donations of supplies, and monetary support!
This is our prayer:
Dear Lord of Missions: Be with us, travelers and supporters, as we engage in our call to mission to the Dominican Republic. Help us to be mindful of the oneness in Christ as we set out to spread Your love to many people, especially the children in Bani. Guide us as we try to show ways to preserve our world through our Bible School ministry and our everyday actions. Be our companion, guide and protector on this journey, and grant us the strength to be successful in our service to you. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

Once again, through the prayer and support of Christ Church and our family and friends, Christ Church sent a mission team to Bani and serve the community of La Iglesia Episcopal de la Transfiguracion. Our trip was June 22 - July 1, 2014. We planned a Bible school and various other projects. The team members from Christ Church are Tom Ellington, Kevin Lonabaugh, Ann Taylor, Mary Margaret Applin, Deb Shows, Katy Schain, Rebecca Gibson, Webster Gibson. Youth team members are Allison Schain, Kathryn Schain, Rosa Gibson, Evelyn Gibson, George Gibson. We appreciated your help through prayer, donations of supplies, and monetary support!
This is our prayer:
Dear Lord of Missions: Be with us, travelers and supporters, as we engage in our call to mission to the Dominican Republic. Help us to be mindful of the oneness in Christ as we set out to spread Your love to many people, especially the children in Bani. Guide us as we try to show ways to preserve our world through our Bible School ministry and our everyday actions. Be our companion, guide and protector on this journey, and grant us the strength to be successful in our service to you. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.
Reflections from the team before their trip:
From Ann Taylor -
"This is my first mission trip and I am very excited! The thought of going on a mission trip has been in the back of my mind for several years – spreading God’s word in a new way was intriguing. When we moved to Winchester and joined Christ Church, God opened the way for me. After Rebecca and Rosa Gibson came back from the last mission trip to the Dominican Republic, they gave an enthusiastic presentation about the trip and the wonderful people they had met and worked with. This was the opportunity I had been waiting for! I expressed my interest in going on the next mission trip and here I am: going to the Dominican Republic to work with the children in Bani at Vacation Bible School!
I have really enjoyed getting to know the team going to the DR. We have had several fundraisers including the Dominican foods dinner, Tres Leches cakes at Easter, selling seats for the Apple Blossom parades and the yard sale – we have worked together, building our team. Being compatible and knowing how to work together and rely on each other will be important for our 10 day adventure!
I’m looking forward to sharing God’s love with the children, and even though my Spanish is very limited, I think they will be able to feel the love! I’m also excited about getting to know the people of the Dominican Republic – I believe that the more we know about other cultures, the better we will understand others who are different from us. I know that I will be blessed by the people and the children in the DR, and I hope to be a blessing to them!"
From Kevin Lonabaugh -
"Why am I going to the Dominican Republic? An international mission trip is an amazing experience that is both enriching and fruitful for both sides. Personally, I love interacting with the Dominicans and seeing how God's words are practiced in other cultures. We may be separated by various other things (language, customs, etc.) but our thoughts and beliefs unite when we enter the Bible school or the church service. It's also a chance for us to offer a little bit of respite for the children of the community. They're exceedingly happy despite the hardships that they might experience, and VBS is a wonderful chance for them to experience that joy and act as children. Finally, I am hoping to one day work in pediatric pharmacy so I relish the opportunity to work with the children and get to interact with them. It's an experience I'll take throughout my professional life and helps give me perspective about how our faith guides us in our daily life."
From Deb Shows -
"Mission to the Dominic Republic is very important in the life of Christ Church. Every other year when we return to Bani we are continuing our bond with the people of Bani. Participating in mission work is vital to our realization of all that God has given to us, and allows us the opportunity to share with those less fortunate. But it also lets us experience the Love of God shown through people who love us unconditionally. They may have more to give us then we know. The mission trip keeps us connected with that Love of Christ. It changes our lives, and is a great experience for all of Christ Church."
From Tom Ellington -
"Mission work involves many things but it mostly involves spreading the Gospel through action. This will be my fourth trip to Bani and my Spanish is still not what it should be but that matters little. We spread the Gospel with band-aids, games, crafts, singing and laughter. Mission trips allow us to live out the mission statement of Christ Church, “To know Christ and to make Christ known.” We know Christ in a child’s smile, the generosity of the people and their tolerance of my “command” of Spanish. We make Christ known with Bible stories and the work we do there, and for a time, however brief, the world is a better place."
Financial Support
One of our team members said she was surprised to learn that the mission trip costs about $20,000. This includes travel, room, board, and other unexpected costs associated with the VBS programs. Thank you for the support through the Marie Cooper Fund, Outreach Committee, those helping with the Apple Blossom chairs, and the ongoing support for other events.