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Knit Unto Others


The Christ Church prayer shawl ministry – Knit Unto Others – meets monthly to combine prayer, love, and friendship while making shawls and blankets to be given to those in need of comfort and God's healing of body and spirit.

Many blessings are knitted or crocheted into every shawl/blanket/prayer square. The knitter or crocheter begins each shawl/blanket with prayers, and prayers may be continued throughout the creation of the item. The group meets the third Tuesday each month at 2:00 pm in the Parlors.


To request a shawl/blanket for yourself or a member of your family, or if you would like to join the group as a knitter or crocheter, please call and speak with the clergy (540-662-5843) or email us.

An excellent website with information about this ministry is

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